Types of Physical Oceanography Graphs available

Physical oceanography data files are large and difficult to analyze without specialized software and so summary results have been captured in graphs for several commonly requested measurements. Graphs are organized by type of measurement (or type of graph), with a tiny preview and links to full-size graphs for different years, sites, or instruments. (Click on the tiny preview images to see in full size.)

These graphs are yet to be published and are for MCR internal use only.

Type of Graph Preview Links Caption
Temporal Coverage moorings time graph Public PhysO page
(One graph covers all years and 4 moorings)
Physical oceanographic data coverage for moored instrumentation at LTER core physo sites. Horizonal position and colors show time range of available data and type of moored instrument. Vertical position of lines reflect the relative height above bottom where each measurement was collected.
Spatial Coverage moorings sites map Geographic information: Precise latitude and longitude cannot be released publicly for most MCR-LTER sites but are stored for investigators' use. More GIS data may be available than is indexed here on this page. See also the temporal and spatial coverage index page for site maps.

See also CTD locations map below.

Satellite coverage shown on Coverage page.

Summary Time Series ctd casts graph ask Melanie Mooring Sites:
2005    2005    2005    2005
2006    2006    2006    2006
2007    2007    2007    2007
2008    2008    2008    2008
2009    2009    2009    2009
2010    2010    2010    2010
2011    2011    2011    2011
2012    2012    2012
2013    2013    2013
2014    2014    2014
all sites & dates

Temperature time series at all sites
Three panel annual summary time series of temperature, salinity, density, and waves at LTER core physo sites. Upper panel is a time vs height above bottom (HAB) contour of moored temperature measurments. Horizontal dashed lines denote time range and HAB of raw data available to generate contours. Also available is a line-graph time series for all sites and available years. Middle panel displays the salinity and density time series measured with the moored SBE37 CTDs. Lighter shades of blue and green are from the shallower instruments. Bottom panel displays the annual time series of significant wave height (SWH) and dominant wave period (DWP) measured with an SBE26+ wave tide gage and ADCP.
Histograms of Wave Height and Period Histograms of wave height and period Instruments:
ADCP (left)
Frequency distribution and cumulative distribution of significant wave height (Hs) and dominant wave period (Tp) for all available SBE26+ or ADCP wave data.

Similar histograms calculated from two different instruments. These graphs combine all years.
Wave Histogram Time Series wave histogram all sites all years All mooring sites combined:
All years (left)
Time series of significant wave height (Hs) and dominant wave period (Tp) for sites equiped with an SBE26+ wave tide gage and/or ADCP. Both annual time series and an all available data time series are available.
Extreme Waves example max wave graph Some extreme individual waves: (all at FOR05)
2005-09-11 2005-10-02 2006-07-28 2006-09-14 2006-10-15 2006-10-22 2006-12-14 2007-04-29 2007-05-17 2007-06-02 2007-11-01 2008-04-27 2008-06-13 2008-06-14
Sea surface height time series from single 4Hz sampling burst from SBE26+ wave tide gage. Each plot displays some of the more extreme waves to pass over the moored instrumentation.
Directional Wave Structure, Principle Axes Currents Moorea composite PAx flow waves maps Summer & Winter (2 maps) Moorea_composite PAx flow waves maps

Principle axes currents for all available ADCP MCR_PAx_map_allsites (left)

Winter (months 6,7,8) Spring (9,10,11) Summer (12,1,2) Fall (3,4,5)
Directional wave power spectra and principal axes currents for summer (June,July,Aug) and winter (Dec,Jan,Feb) measured with ADCP. All available data from first deployments through mid 2009 are included. Color contours within concentric rings denote wave power. Lower frequency/longer period waves are positioned closer to center. Labels on rings in FOR01 directional spectra are wave period (sec). Principal axes currents are calculated from a water column average between 2 and 10m above the bottom for the same summer and winter time ranges. Near surface currents are excluded.
The figure MCR_PAx_map_allsites displays the principal axes currents for the same depth range but for all available ADCP data.
Sea Level Anomaly alt text MSLA Time vs Longitude ContourAndLineTimeseries (left)


Upper panel in MSLA_Time_vs_Longitude_ContourAndLineTimeseries displays a time series contour of mean sea level anomaly (MSLA) derived from satellite altimetry at grid locations along 17.625°S. Bottom panel compares satellite derived MSLA from 4 grid locations near Moorea (shades of gray) with sea surface heights measured by LTER moored pressure sensors. A short animation (MSLA_Animation_1) maps the propogation of MSLAs from January 2005 to February 2009. The figure Papeete_sea_level_time_series is also included to display the agreement between the available satellite altimeter data with a longer time series of sea level height from sensors on Papeete.
Water Mass Temperature vs Salinity alt text MCR TS SBE32 all data + WOCE

Four sites plotted together (left)

Four sites in separate sub-plots
Water Mass (TS) Plots.
Temperature vs. Salinity plots for all available SBE37 moored CTD data. Colored open circles are from shallow moored CTD level. Colored (+)s are from the deeper moored units. Open black circles are values from World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) dataset from a location near Moorea for comparison. Numbered contour lines in background are isopycnals for these ranges of temperature and salinity. The same plot split into individual sites is also provided.
Salinity and Rain salinity and rain Salinity and rain time series:
all sites (left)
Salinity measurments from moored CTDs including all available data. Rainfall data from the Gump met station is also included and is displayed both accumulations per 5 minute sample interval and cumulative rainfall.
Time series
CTD Profiles
CTD Water Columnn Time-series CTD
Map of sites (left)

(Alice's sites.)
Alice's CTD data are in knb-lter-mcr.10

Six locations are sampled twice per year. (See Google Earth screenshot to distinguish time-series locations from once-only locations.)
Cross-sections built from Transects of CTD Profiles ctd casts graph Cross-section plot

Potential-Temperature example (left) of isotherms
A slice of the ocean. Each cross-section graphs depth on y axis and distance along a transect on x axis. Profile graphs are made from a series of CTD casts spaced along a transect. Transects of CTD casts are combined to create several kinds of contour plots: isotherms,

This was just an exploration Libe asked Chris to graph, using Alice's stations, to consider where to place CTD transects.
Transects of CTD Casts ctd transects NEWOC 2010 Transects of CTD Casts

  Map     Data         Date
  N     N CTD downcast 2010-06-28
  E     E CTD downcast 2010-07-05
  W     W CTD downcast 2010-07-03
  O     O CTD downcast 2010-07-02
  C     C CTD downcast 2010-07-01
all 5
One-time study, not time series. Chris processed data April 2011.

A separate and spatially larger pilot study that Libe, Nick Dellaripa, and Melanie carried out over 2 weeks in July 2010. We took CTD casts on all three sides of Moorea (N, E, W), as well as in Cook's Bay (C) and Opunohu Bay (O), whereas Alice's CTD time series has so far been focused on Cook's bay and the north side of the island only.

Dates are local Moorea time; Data contain columns for local and UTC date times.
Daily, Monthly, Yearly Aggregates ctd casts graph csv files:
ASCII_Summary_files top directory
Example figures

The large "monster" files have been distilled down to just temperature, salinity, and depth in dataset knb-lter-mcr.1040 for each of the three moorings.

Daily, monthly and yearly aggregate data are in small ASCII comma-separated files which Excel can open. These were made from the monster files.
Data files are described in: Column designations.

Type of Graph Preview Links Caption