MCR Code of Conduct
The Moorea Coral Reef (MCR) LTER site neither condones nor tolerates harassment or intimidation of any kind including, but not limited to, hazing of new participants, physical or verbal intimidation, and sexual harassment. While deployed in the field, many of our project participants stay in relatively close quarters sometimes sharing these spaces with other science groups and/or other university classes/groups for extended periods of time. Our field teams each year have participants new to field work, and/or new to Moorea, which presents challenges to everyone involved beyond the conditions of working at a remote field site. Our long history of excellent science is built upon collaboration and teamwork. We encourage anyone who feels that they have been harassed or bullied in any way or that may have witnessed incidents involving harassment or bullying, to contact their team leader, project PI, and/or the MCR LTER Lead-PI or Co-PIs. Communication is essential. It is our core belief that all MCR participants demonstrate respect for each other and everyone else with whom they work in the U.S., while deploying and when deployed in the field.