In honor of founding Moorea Coral Reef (MCR) Long-term Ecological Research (LTER) site Investigators Dr Ruth Gates and Dr Susan L. Williams, the MCR LTER site has established two awards to help support graduate student travel and research.
The Ruth Gates Memorial Travel Award will be awarded bi-annually in even numbered years to a MCR affiliated graduate student working on an independent research project that focuses on the biology/ecology/physical oceanography of corals and/or the corals reefs surrounding the island of Moorea under the formal guidance of a MCR LTER Principal Investigator or Associated Investigator. The award is intended to help MCR LTER affiliated graduate students defray the costs of attending and presenting at a national or international meeting, conference or symposium. For more details on eligibility requirements, application materials and submission guidelines, please see
Past Winners:
Kelly Speare (UCSB) - 2018
The Susan L. Williams Memorial Research Award will be awarded bi-annually in odd numbered years to a MCR affiliated graduate student working on an independent research project that focuses on the biology/ecology/physical oceanography of corals and/or the corals reefs surrounding the island of Moorea under the formal guidance of a MCR LTER Principal Investigator or Associated Investigator. The award is intended to help MCR LTER affiliated graduate students defray the costs of conducting field research in Moorea or the costs associated with the analysis of data or research materials collected from Moorea by other MCR affiliated researchers. For more details on eligibility requirements, application materials and submission guidelines, please see
Past Winners:
Stephanie Bilodeau (Georgia Tech) - 2019
Danielle Becker (University of Rhode Island) - 2021