
Principal Investigator

Affiliation Areas of Research Phone Email
Deron Burkepile UC Santa Barbara Community ecology of coral reefs 805 893-3067 Email

Co-Principal Investigators

Affiliation Areas of Expertise Phone Email
Robert Carpenter CSU Northridge Coral reef metabolism, ocean acidification 818 677-3256 Email
Peter Edmunds CSU Northridge Coral reef ecology, coral ecopohysiology 818 677-2502 Email
Sally Holbrook UC Santa Barbara Community ecology of fishes 805 893-3956 Email
Russell J. Schmitt UC Santa Barbara Population dynamics of fishes and invertebrates 805 893-2051 Email


Affiliation Areas of Expertise Phone Email
Tom Adam UC Santa Barbara Community ecology of coral reefs 805 893-7625 Email
Giacomo Bernardi UC Santa Cruz Population genetics of fishes 831 459-5124 Email
Cherie Briggs UC Santa Barbara Theoretical ecology and systems biology 805 893-2199 Email
Andrew Brooks UC Santa Barbara Population and community ecology of reef fishes / MCR Diving and Boating Safety Officer 805 893-7670 Email
Scott Burgess Florida State University Ecology, evolution, and population genetics of cryptic species of Pocillopora corals. Email
Adrienne Correa University of California Berkeley Diversity and evolutionary histories of marine microorganisms; the context-dependent roles of dinoflagellate symbionts, bacteria and viruses in host health and disease; and the influence of microbes on ecosystem function and persistence. Email
Erika Eliason UC Santa Barbara How functional traits shape species distributions. Email
Mark Hay Georgia Institute of Technology Chemical Ecology, Reef Ecology, Consumer-Prey Interactions 404 894-8429 Email
Jim Hench Duke University Shallow water physical oceanography 650 759-6639 Email
James Leichter UC San Diego Physical - biological coupling 858 822-5330 Email
Hunter Lenihan UC Santa Barbara Marine stressor - demography linkages 805 893-8629 Email
Stephane Maritorena UC Santa Barbara Remote sensing of coral reefs & ocean waters 805 893-4308 Email
Holly Moeller UC Santa Barbara Mathematical and community ecology, the role of acquired metabolism in changing the dynamics of living communities. Email
Craig Nelson University of Hawai'i at Manoa Marine microbial ecology and organic cycling 808 956-0566 Email
Hollie Putnam University of Rhode Island Coral ecophysiology and epigenetics 401 874-9510 Email
Andrew Rassweiler Florida State University Resilience and abrupt ecological state change Email
Nyssa Silbiger University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa How natural environmental variability, global climate change, and species interactions shape community processes across different spatial and temporal scales. Email
Adrian Stier UC Santa Barbara How species interactions drive ecosystem assembly, biodiversity, and resilience. Email
Rebecca Vega-Thurber Oregon State University Environmental microbiology 541 737-1851 Email

Post Doctoral Associates & Researchers

Affiliation Areas of Expertise Phone Email
Alexandra Brown UC Santa Barbara Coral ecology Email
Shalanda Grier UC Santa Barbara How press and pulse disturbances affect ecological interactions, resilience, and trait dynamics across different levels of organization (e.g., species to community) Email
Christian John UC Santa Barbara Explores drivers of multiscale change in ecological systems Email
Jamie McDevitt-Irwin UC Santa Barbara Evaluates how coral reef biodiversity - from fishes, corals, algae, and invertebrates to the coral microbiome - are driven by anthropogenic stressors such as the loss of herbivorous fishes, nutrient pollution, and marine heat waves. Email
Rowan McLachlan Oregon State University Effects of nutrients and herbivory on coral physiology and microbiome dynamics. Email
Scott Miller UC Santa Barbara Coral reef ecology Email
Ferdinand Pfab UC Santa Barbara Modeling biological systems: infections, evolution and population dynamics. Email
Kelly Speare University of Hawai'i Effects of anthropogenic stressors on coral recruitment and juvenile coral survival. Email

Information & Data Management

Affiliation Role Phone Email
Tom Adam UC Santa Barbara Community ecology of coral reefs 805 893-7625 Email
Andrew Brooks UC Santa Barbara Population and community ecology of reef fishes / MCR Diving and Boating Safety Officer 805 893-7670 Email
Hillary Krumbholz UC Santa Barbara Information Management and Data Visualization Email
Li Kui UC Santa Barbara Information Management Email

Education and Outreach

Affiliation Role Phone Email
Andrew Brooks UC Santa Barbara Education and Outreach Coordinator 805 893-7670 Email
Lindsay Cullen UC Santa Barbara Coral reef ecology/Education and Outreach Email

Graduate Students

Affiliation Research Topic Advisor Email
Noam Altman-Kurosaki Georgia Institute of Technology Marine ecology, coral reef ecology, herbivory Mark Hay Email
Jill Ashey The University of Rhode Island Examining the molecular mechanisms of coral acclimatization and development. Email
Danielle Becker University of Rhode Island Impacts of local and global anthropogenic stressors on coral reef resilience. Hollie Putnam Email
Stephanie Bilodeau Georgia Institute of Technology Species interactions and the ways that small-scale chemical ecology and behavior shape community structure and create large-scale patterns across landscapes and seascapes. Mark Hay Email
Noe Castenada UC Santa Barbara Morphological and behavioral variation in feeding interactions of reef fishes Deron Burkepile Email
Adrian Cheh CSU Northridge Coral ecology and eco-physiology Peter Edmunds Email
Dennis Conetta University of Rhode Island Coral ecology Hollie Putnam Email
Adelaide Dahl UC Santa Barbara Coral ecology Adrian Stier Email
Zoe Dellaert The University of Rhode Island Tropical corals and their resilience to climate change and warming oceans Hollie Putnam Email
Autumn "Raine" Detmer UC Santa Barbara Using models to better understand species interactions in marine communities and how these interactions may be affected by environmental stressors Holly Moeller Email
Laurel Diaz CSU Northridge Coral ecology Nyssa Silbiger Email
Olivia Diehl CSU Northridge Investigating the interactive effects of herbivory and water flow on the morphology and metabolic rates of noncalcifying marine macroalgae. Robert Carpenter Email
Alexandra Dubel Florida State University Novel ecosystems and human-coupled systems Andrew Rassweiler Email
Lauren Enright UC Santa Barbara How a gradient of grazing pressure interacts with nutrient enrichment to influence algal patch dynamics. Deron Burkepile Email
Florence Fields The University of Rhode Island Coral physiological and morphological characteristics and transgenerational epigenetic effects in response to their environmental stressors Hollie Putnam Email
Jordan Gallagher UC Santa Barbara Effects of anthropogenic nutrients on macroalgal performance and reef resilience Sally Holbrook Email
Olivia Isbell UC Santa Barbara Understanding the ecological impacts of severe disturbances on coral reefs ecosystems and the drivers for recovery Deron Burkepile Email
Nicholas Jeffress Duke University Moorea/Tetiaroa circulation and wave modeling Jim Hench Email
Carly Karrick UC Berkeley Coral microbial symbioses in the context of global change, with a particular interest in the role of endosymbionts in influencing coral response to climate-related stressors Email
Mackenzie Kawahara UC Santa Barbara Coral reef microbiomes in Mo’orea, French Polynesia Rebecca Vega-Thurber Email
Savanah Leidholt Oregon State University  Puffy Snout Syndrome (PSS) Rebecca Vega-Thurber Email
Cannon Mallory CSU Northridge Development of remote molecular ecology protocols with special interest in omic based approaches Cherie Briggs Email
Rayna McClintock University of Hawai'i at Mānoa Coastal oceanography and microbial community ecology Craig Nelson Email
Hannah Merges CSU Northridge Coral ecology Nyssa Silbiger Email
Nury Molina UC Santa Barbara Role of herbivorous fish in promoting coral reef resilience. Deron Burkepile Email
Catherine Mullenmeister UC San Diego Coral ecology Linda Wegley Kelly Email
Ninah Munk UC Santa Barbara Coral ecology Holly Moeller Email
Shannon Nelson-Maney California State University San Diego Coral reef restoration in Moorea French Polynesia Email
Kara Noonan Rice University Relationship between reef fish communities and coral disease Adrienne Correa Email
Alexander Primo University of Georgia Coral ecology Craig Osenberg Email
Julianna Renzi UC Santa Barbara How coral-associated biodiversity mediates coral resistance to climate stress. Deron Burkepile Email
Kacie Ring UC Santa Barbara Disease ecology, host-parasite interactions, tick-borne pathogens, community ecology, transcriptomics Cherie Briggs Email
Keanu Rochette-Ys Tsuen University of Hawai'i at Mānoa Coral ecology Email
Emily Schmeltzer Oregon State University Coral microbial ecology Rebecca Vega-Thurber Email
Wesley Sparagon University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa The interaction between benthic organisms on coral reefs and bacterial communities in the surrounding sea water, how these interactions are altered by climate change, and how this in turn changes the coral reef ecosystem Craig Nelson Email
Sean Swift University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa How microbes eat different organic compounds and also how they might use them to communicate with host organisms, like terrestrial plants, algae, and coral Craig Nelson Email
Kara Titus Rice University How coral health influences reef fish communities Adrienne Correa Email
Alex Vompe Oregon State University The association between environmental stressors and phase shifts in corals and their microbiomes Rebecca Vega-Thurber Email
Taylor Walker Rice University Coral reef ecology Adrienne Correa Email
Madeleine Ward UC Santa Barbara Combining observational and molecular data to study the trophic partitioning of herbivorous fish in tropical coral reefs across space, time and gradients of human disturbance Email
Joyah Watkins Rice University The role of ocean viruses in coral health and disease (e.g., Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease) Adrienne Correa Email
Madison Willert Georgia Institute of Technology Coral reef biology, climate change, ecology Mark Hay Email
Lauren Zane The University of Rhode Island Coral physiology in response to climate change induced stress (shifting phenology, rising ocean temperatures, deoxygenation) Email
Lily Zhao UC Santa Barbara Coral ecology Holly Moeller Email

Field and Laboratory Technicians

Affiliation Role Phone Email
Elliott Cameron UC Santa Barbara Coral reef ecology Email
Lindsay Cullen UC Santa Barbara Coral reef ecology/Education and Outreach Email
Hillary Krumbholz UC Santa Barbara Information Management and Data Visualization Email
Kathryn Scafidi CSU Northridge Ecology of Coral Reefs Email

Current Collaborators

Affiliation Areas of Expertise Phone Email
Jake Allgeier University of Michigan Role of fish derived nutrients in coral reef ecosystems Email
Alessandro Capra Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia Photogrammetry of coral reefs Email
Cody Clements Georgia Institute of Technology How local and global changes reshape ecological interactions and the implications of these changes for ecosystem function and management. Email
Steeve Comeau University of Western Australia Impacts of climate change on calcium carbonate budgets of coral reefs Email
Ross Cunning Shedd Aquarium Coral symbiosis ecology and modelling Email
Mary Donovan Arizona State University Applied coral reef ecology Email
Jose Eirin-Lopez Florida International University The study of marine environmental epigenetics using molecular, ecological and toxicological approaches. Email
Armin Gruen ETH-Zurich Photogrammetric extraction of objects from aerial and satellite images. Email
Dan Holstein Luisiana State University Empirical marine ecology and ecological modeling Email
Geoff Jones James Cook University (Australia) Ecology of reef fishes
Linda Wegley Kelly San Diego State University Responses of the coral holobiont to changes due to local and global stressors. Email
Matthew Lauer San Diego State University Resilience and vulnerability of coastal communities to climate change and natural disasters Email
Matthieu Leray Smithsonian Tropical Reserach Institute The use of experimental and metagenomics approaches to understand how species interactions structure natural communities on coral reefs. Email
Fabio Menna FBK - Bruno Kessler Foundation Underwater photogrammetry Email
Vanessa Messmer James Cook University (Australia) Ecology of reef fishes
Chris Meyer Smithsonian Institution Genomics of coral reef organisms Email
Erik Muller Norwegian Institute of Science and Technology Modeling: ecological & dynamic energy budget Email
Phil Munday James Cook University (Australia) Ecology of reef fishes
Kerry Nickols CSU Northridge Spatial dynamics of coastal marine organisms as they are affected by physical processes and anthropogenic influences. Email
Erica Nocerino Università degli Studi di Sassari Underwater photogrammetry Email
Margaret O'Brien UC Santa Barbara SBC-LTER Information Manager Email
Craig Osenberg University of Georgia Reef fish ecology, assessment and design of MPAs Email
Serge Planes CRIOBE (France) Genomics of coral reef organisms Email
Steven Roberts University of Washington Characterizing physiological response of aquatic species to environmental change Email
Johanna Rosman UNC Chapel Hill Environmental Fluid Mechanics / Physical Oceanography Email
Andy Shantz Pennsylvania State University Impacts of nutrients on coral reef mutualisms Email
Andrew Thurber Oregon State University The impact of metazoan diet on biogeochemical processes mediated by archaea and bacteria. Email
Matthias Troyer MIcrosoft Corporation High performance computing and quantum computing, simulations of quantum devices and island ecosystems. Email
Jean Wencelius Cultural anthropologist specializing in the field of human ecology Email