
Investigators, Information & Data Management

Affiliation Areas of Research Phone Email
Tom Adam UC Santa Barbara Community ecology of coral reefs 805 893-7625 Email
Giacomo Bernardi UC Santa Cruz Population genetics of fishes 831 459-5124 Email
Cherie Briggs UC Santa Barbara Theoretical ecology and systems biology 805 893-2199 Email
Andrew Brooks UC Santa Barbara Population and community ecology of reef fishes / MCR Diving and Boating Safety Officer 805 893-7670 Email
Scott Burgess Florida State University Ecology, evolution, and population genetics of cryptic species of Pocillopora corals. Email
Adrienne Correa University of California Berkeley Diversity and evolutionary histories of marine microorganisms; the context-dependent roles of dinoflagellate symbionts, bacteria and viruses in host health and disease; and the influence of microbes on ecosystem function and persistence. Email
Erika Eliason UC Santa Barbara How functional traits shape species distributions. Email
Mark Hay Georgia Institute of Technology Chemical Ecology, Reef Ecology, Consumer-Prey Interactions 404 894-8429 Email
Jim Hench Duke University Shallow water physical oceanography 650 759-6639 Email
James Leichter UC San Diego Physical - biological coupling 858 822-5330 Email
Hunter Lenihan UC Santa Barbara Marine stressor - demography linkages 805 893-8629 Email
Stephane Maritorena UC Santa Barbara Remote sensing of coral reefs & ocean waters 805 893-4308 Email
Holly Moeller UC Santa Barbara Mathematical and community ecology, the role of acquired metabolism in changing the dynamics of living communities. Email
Craig Nelson University of Hawai'i at Manoa Marine microbial ecology and organic cycling 808 956-0566 Email
Hollie Putnam University of Rhode Island Coral ecophysiology and epigenetics 401 874-9510 Email
Andrew Rassweiler Florida State University Resilience and abrupt ecological state change Email
Nyssa Silbiger University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa How natural environmental variability, global climate change, and species interactions shape community processes across different spatial and temporal scales. Email
Adrian Stier UC Santa Barbara How species interactions drive ecosystem assembly, biodiversity, and resilience. Email
Rebecca Vega-Thurber Oregon State University Environmental microbiology 541 737-1851 Email