Tom Adam |
UC Santa Barbara |
Community ecology of coral reefs |
805 893-7625 |
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Giacomo Bernardi |
UC Santa Cruz |
Population genetics of fishes |
831 459-5124 |
Email |
Cherie Briggs |
UC Santa Barbara |
Theoretical ecology and systems biology |
805 893-2199 |
Email |
Andrew Brooks |
UC Santa Barbara |
Population and community ecology of reef fishes / MCR Diving and Boating Safety Officer |
805 893-7670 |
Email |
Scott Burgess |
Florida State University |
Ecology, evolution, and population genetics of cryptic species of Pocillopora corals. |
Email |
Adrienne Correa |
University of California Berkeley |
Diversity and evolutionary histories of marine microorganisms; the context-dependent roles of dinoflagellate symbionts, bacteria and viruses in host health and disease; and the influence of microbes on ecosystem function and persistence. |
Email |
Erika Eliason |
UC Santa Barbara |
How functional traits shape species distributions. |
Email |
Mark Hay |
Georgia Institute of Technology |
Chemical Ecology, Reef Ecology, Consumer-Prey Interactions |
404 894-8429 |
Email |
Jim Hench |
Duke University |
Shallow water physical oceanography |
650 759-6639 |
Email |
James Leichter |
UC San Diego |
Physical - biological coupling |
858 822-5330 |
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Hunter Lenihan |
UC Santa Barbara |
Marine stressor - demography linkages |
805 893-8629 |
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Stephane Maritorena |
UC Santa Barbara |
Remote sensing of coral reefs & ocean waters |
805 893-4308 |
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Holly Moeller |
UC Santa Barbara |
Mathematical and community ecology, the role of acquired metabolism in changing the dynamics of living communities. |
Email |
Craig Nelson |
University of Hawai'i at Manoa |
Marine microbial ecology and organic cycling |
808 956-0566 |
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Hollie Putnam |
University of Rhode Island |
Coral ecophysiology and epigenetics |
401 874-9510 |
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Andrew Rassweiler |
Florida State University |
Resilience and abrupt ecological state change |
Email |
Nyssa Silbiger |
University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa |
How natural environmental variability, global climate change, and species interactions shape community processes across different spatial and temporal scales. |
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Adrian Stier |
UC Santa Barbara |
How species interactions drive ecosystem assembly, biodiversity, and resilience. |
Email |
Rebecca Vega-Thurber |
Oregon State University |
Environmental microbiology |
541 737-1851 |
Email |