Jake Allgeier |
University of Michigan |
Role of fish derived nutrients in coral reef ecosystems |
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Alessandro Capra |
Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia |
Photogrammetry of coral reefs |
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Steeve Comeau |
University of Western Australia |
Impacts of climate change on calcium carbonate budgets of coral reefs |
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Ross Cunning |
Shedd Aquarium |
Coral symbiosis ecology and modelling |
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Mary Donovan |
Arizona State University |
Applied coral reef ecology |
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Jose Eirin-Lopez |
Florida International University |
The study of marine environmental epigenetics using molecular, ecological and toxicological approaches. |
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Armin Gruen |
ETH-Zurich |
Photogrammetric extraction of objects from aerial and satellite images. |
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Dan Holstein |
Luisiana State University |
Empirical marine ecology and ecological modeling |
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Geoff Jones |
James Cook University (Australia) |
Ecology of reef fishes |
Linda Wegley Kelly |
San Diego State University |
Responses of the coral holobiont to changes due to local and global stressors. |
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Matthew Lauer |
San Diego State University |
Resilience and vulnerability of coastal communities to climate change and natural disasters |
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Matthieu Leray |
Smithsonian Tropical Reserach Institute |
The use of experimental and metagenomics approaches to understand how species interactions structure natural communities on coral reefs. |
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Fabio Menna |
FBK - Bruno Kessler Foundation |
Underwater photogrammetry |
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Vanessa Messmer |
James Cook University (Australia) |
Ecology of reef fishes |
Chris Meyer |
Smithsonian Institution |
Genomics of coral reef organisms |
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Erik Muller |
Norwegian Institute of Science and Technology |
Modeling: ecological & dynamic energy budget |
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Phil Munday |
James Cook University (Australia) |
Ecology of reef fishes |
Kerry Nickols |
CSU Northridge |
Spatial dynamics of coastal marine organisms as they are affected by physical processes and anthropogenic influences. |
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Erica Nocerino |
Università degli Studi di Sassari |
Underwater photogrammetry |
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Margaret O'Brien |
UC Santa Barbara |
SBC-LTER Information Manager |
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Craig Osenberg |
University of Georgia |
Reef fish ecology, assessment and design of MPAs |
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Serge Planes |
CRIOBE (France) |
Genomics of coral reef organisms |
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Steven Roberts |
University of Washington |
Characterizing physiological response of aquatic species to environmental change |
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Johanna Rosman |
UNC Chapel Hill |
Environmental Fluid Mechanics / Physical Oceanography |
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Andy Shantz |
Pennsylvania State University |
Impacts of nutrients on coral reef mutualisms |
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Andrew Thurber |
Oregon State University |
The impact of metazoan diet on biogeochemical processes mediated by archaea and bacteria. |
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Matthias Troyer |
MIcrosoft Corporation |
High performance computing and quantum computing, simulations of quantum devices and island ecosystems. |
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