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These data describe the density (colonies per quadrat of 0.5 x 0.5 m size) of juvenile corals on the fringing reefs and outer reef (10 m depth) of Moorea. Beginning in 2005, surveys are completed annually at LTER 1 and 2 in the austral autumn (April-May). Addition event-motivated sampling began in 2011 with additional sites from the other two shores of Moorea surveyed and surveys at LTER 1 and 2 repeated in August; these surveys will likely continue for 1-2 years but will not become a maintained component of the annual sampling. The focus is on juvenile corals defined as individuals less than or equal to 40 mm diameter. These data include juvenile scleractinian corals and juvenile Millepora spp. (Class: Hydrozoa; Order Hydroida, Sub Order Anthomedusae, Family Milleporidae). These transects are co-located with annual photographic surveys and, therefore, broad community descriptors are also available.
Package Type:
Core Research Areas:
Demographics, Fringing Reefs, Juvenile Coral, Scleractinia, Scleractinian Coral, Community Marine Environments, Polyps (organisms), Populations, Shallow Water, Populations, Reef Resistance and Resilience, Population and Community Dynamics