MCR LTER: Coral Reef: Demersal Zooplankton Composition and Abundance

First Year: 


Last Year: 

This data package contains demersal zooplankton abundance and taxonomic composition measured at 3 stations on the north shore of Moorea, French Polynesia: Forereef, Backreef and Fringing Reef from 2005 to 2010. Demersal zooplankton emerging from sand or rubble substrates on the reef during the night were captured in 8 inverted funnel traps placed on the substrate in the late afternoon and retrieved the following morning. Traps were made of 200 μm mesh netting with the opening to the cod end located 18 cm above the bottom. Four traps, each covering 0.0615 m2 of substrate, were combined to obtain one sample for counting. The table reports means of 2 replicates each containing 4 combined traps. Traps placed over sand were pushed into the substrate. However, traps over rubble had numerous gaps along their bases allowing some contamination from the water column. Data are expressed as number of animals emerging per square meter of bottom.

Package Type: 



Primary Production

Core Research Areas: 

Primary Production


Zooplankton, Zooplankton Composition, Reef Resistance and Resilience