MCR LTER: Coral Reef: Water Column: Zooplankton Composition and Abundance

First Year: 


Last Year: 

This data package contains zooplankton abundance and taxonomic composition measured at 5 stations on the north shore of Moorea, French Polynesia: Forereef, Backreef, Fringing Reef, Cooks Bay, and Oceanic (5 km due north) from 2005 to 2010. Day time measurements over the reef were taken with a 30 cm, 200 μm mesh plankton net equipped with a slow speed General Oceanics Model 2030 flow meter. Nets were swum horizontally by a diver 1 m above the bottom at Forereef, Backreef and Fringing Reef sites. Daytime sampling at the Oceanic and Cooks Bay sites consisted of 0-50 m, 0-100 or 0-30 m vertical tows with a 30 cm, 200 μm mesh plankton net equipped with a standard General Oceanics Model 2030 flow meter. Nighttime sampling and some daytime sampling was done at the Forereef, Backreef and Fringing Reef sites using automated plankton pumps equipped with flow meters and 200 μm internal nets (described in Alldredge and King, 2009). These pumps sampled 75 cm above the bottom for 1 to 1.5 hours beginning at 11 pm local time. Nocturnal zooplankton abundance was sensitive to lunar phase. On some sampling dates pump samples were taken at the same depth in duplicate, or at several different depths simultaneously. The zooplankton time series was terminated when it became clear that the variability in zooplankton abundance over just 50 cm difference in depth over the reef was greater than the variability seasonally or even day to night (Alldredge and King, 2009). Alldredge AL and J M King 2009. Near-surface enrichment of zooplankton over a shallow back reef: Implications for coral reef planktivores. Coral Reefs 28:895-908. DOI: 10.1007/s00338-009-0534-4

Package Type: 



Physical Oceanographic
Primary Production

Core Research Areas: 

Primary Production


Zooplankton Abundance, Zooplankton Composition, Population and Community Dynamics, Reef Resistance and Resilience