MCR LTER: Nitrogen source drives differential impacts of nutrients on coral bleaching prevalence, duration, and mortality

First Year: 


Last Year: 

Data are from an 18-month field experiment on the fore reef of Moorea, testing how different forms of nitrogen (nitrate vs. urea) impact coral bleaching and mortality during two mild thermal stress events in the Austral summers of 2016 and 2017. These data are associated with a manuscript currently in review at Ecosystems. Tentative mansucript title and author list are: Nitrogen source drives differential impacts of nutrients on coral bleaching prevalence, duration, and mortality Deron E. Burkepile, Andrew A. Shantz, Thomas C. Adam, Katrina S. Munsterman, Kelly E. Speare, Mark C. Ladd, Mallory M. Rice, Shelby McIlroy, Andrew J. Brooks, Russell J. Schmitt, and Sally J. Holbrook These data are part of the NSF project: RAPID: How does nutrient availability alter coral bleaching, mortality, and recovery on Moorea coral reefs? (funded wholly or part by NSF Awards OCE-1619697).

Package Type: 

Other Time Series


Primary Production

Core Research Areas: 

Primary Production


Scleractinian Coral, Thermal stress, Scleractinia, Coral Bleaching, Marine Environments, Nutrients, Polyps (organisms), Populations, Shallow Water, Symbiosis, Temperature Marine, Disturbance, Populations, Ocean Acidification, Reef Resistance and Resilienc