MCR LTER site Standing Committees
The Moorea Coral Reef (MCR) Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) site has established several standing committees to formulate and implement policy. Membership of these committees changes on a periodic basis with each funding cycle. Current MCR LTER Standing Committees and their Members are:
MCR LTER Executive Committee
Deron Burkeplie, UC Santa Barbara (Lead-PI and Chair)
Robert Carpenter, CSU Northridge (Co-PI)
Peter Edmunds, CSU Northridge (Co-PI)
Sally Holbrook, UC Santa Barbara (Co-PI)
Russell Schmitt, UC Santa Barbara (C0-PI)
Thomas Adam, UC Santa Barbara (Investigator)
James Hench, Duke University (Investigator)
Lauren Mahoney, CSU Northridge (Graduate Student)
Craig Nelson, University of Hawaii (Investigator)
Hollie Putnam, University of Rhode Island (Investigator)
Julianna Renzi, UC Santa Barbara (Graduate Student)
Nyssa Silbiger, University of Hawai'i (Investigator)
Rebecca Vega-Thurber, Oregon State University (Investigator)
Andrew Brooks, UC Santa Barbara (MCR Deputy Director, Ex officio)
Hillary Krumbholz, UC Santa Barbara (Information Manager, Ex officio)
Lindsay Cullen, UC Santa Barbara (Lab and Field Technician, Ex Officio)
MCR LTER Small Boat Safety Committee
Sally Holbrook, UC Santa Barbara (Chair)
Andrew Brooks, UC Santa Barbara (MCR Deputy Director)
Tom Adam, UC Santa Barbara (Investigator)
Kathryn Scafidi, CSU Northridge (Lab and Field Technician)