Taiwan Coral Reef: Seawater pH, Temperature and Depth Time Series from Bottom-mounted Sensors on the Fringing Reef in Nanwan Bay, May-July 2012

First Year: 


Last Year: 

Bottom-mounted instrumentation (SeaFET, Seabird conductivity/temperature sensor, Hobo water level data loggers) sampled for 7 weeks on the Hobihu fringing reef in Nanwan Bay, Taiwan. Sampling began in May 2012. The instruments were secured to anchored fencing stakes at 4 meters depth and 0.6 meters above the sandy bottom. The SeaFET recorded voltages from a thermistor and pH electrodes at a 10-minute sampling interval. Discrete seawater samples were collected using a Niskin bottle during the deployment; pH, salinity, and total alkalinity of this sample were measured to calculate seawater pH (total scale) from raw SeaFET data as well as other carbonate chemistry parameters. Adjacent to the SeaFET were a Seabird sensor and two HOBO® water level data loggers, synchronized with the SeaFET to simultaneously record conductivity, temperature and depth.

Package Type: 



Physical Oceanographic

Core Research Areas: 



Gump Meteorologic Station, Carbon Dioxide, Dissolved Inorganic Carbon, Alkalinity, pH, Aquatic, Disturbance