
  • Friday, November 16, 2012

    All investigators, postdoctoral scholars, graduate students, technicians and information manager gathered at UCSB for presentations in sessions integrating site science across all the disciplines.  The graduate students chose 'Introduction to Data Management' as their topic for their annual gathering just prior to the AIM. Teaching materials included a hands-on activity from the Kellog Biological Station LTER, a presentation from Virginia Coast LTER, and an original question-oriented exploration of data sharing and re-use.

  • Friday, April 20, 2012

    MCR and SBC LTER Scientists, Graduate Students, and Outreach staff hosted a booth at the Community Environmental Council's 2012 Santa Barbara Earth Day Festival on April 21st and 22nd to raise public awareness about MCR and SBC LTER research activities. The theme for this year's Earth Day was "Mobilize for the Earth" and the festival attracted 35,765 people over its two day run.

  • Tuesday, March 13, 2012

    120 fourth grade students and teachers from Pasadena, California's Washington Accelerated Elementary School journeyed to the REEF at UCSB as guests of the Moorea Coral Reef LTER on March 13th, 2012. The fourth graders enjoyed research presentations by MCR LTER gradute students Shirley Han, Jessica Nielsen and Sammy Davis and participated in three hands-on, group learning activities.

  • Thursday, March 1, 2012

    Russ Schmitt presented 'Managing for Resilience in Benthic Marine Environments' at the 2012 NSF Mini-symposium. View the 26 minute recorded presentation, complete with slides. Many ecologial systems can suddenly shift from one state to another and that alternate states can then provide substantially fewer ecosystem services. Some shifts are difficult to reverse. We need to forecast these changes and understand the reversiblity of these changes.
